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smartQ review on AppStorm

Check this independent smartQ review on AppStorm [ link ].

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  • smartQ Team October 6, 2011, 5:52 pm

    Are you trying to email support [at] SpiderScribe.net? Do you get a bounce back when you email us?

    We use smartQ daily ourselves – it works very fast. You should not experience any CPU issues. What browser are you using? You may want to compare IE with Firefox, for example. Thus way we can narrow it down to your browser. But, generally, it should work fast in any browser – I just checked your account and you don’t have much data there, so it runs very fast.

    Also, you may want to try and turn off your browser add-ons – some of them may cause problems.

    Please email support [at] SpiderScribe.net – we will try to figure it out. As I said – you should not experience these problems.

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