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New interface is here!

We just released our brand new interface (v2)!

Responsive screens, redesigned forms, touch devices friendly, custom themes, dark mode and more!

You can switch to the new interface and back at any time, making the transition when it fits you.

Check the details here.

Celebrating 14 Years of smartQ!

For 14 years now, we’ve proudly supported organizations of all sizes—from local businesses to global enterprises—in managing their workloads efficiently.

A heartfelt thank you to all our clients for your trust and support over the years. Here’s to many more! 🎉

Stay connected with us on Facebook and Twitter/X.

We just updated our email integration feature: tickets and notes created via email will ignore the file attachments from email signatures, like company logo, social media buttons, etc.

Do you have to deal with too many tags across all projects when filtering the tickets? Now you can limit the tags filter to only show the tags from the current project.

The new flag is available via Global Settings in the Options menu on the top right of your smartQ interface. Only Admins can change Global Settings.

When using smartQ Outlook Add-in to create tickets from emails, the email formatting, including tables, will now be preserved when copied to the Description field.

For over thirteen years now, we have been helping a wide range of organizations from small local businesses to big companies around the world to manage their workload.

We would like to thank all our clients for their support! You can find us on FacebookTwitter/X.

smartQ Project Templates

smartQ is the Swiss Army knife for all sorts of businesses, helping them keep their projects on track.

You can jazz up your project workflows however you like and recycle old projects as templates. But here’s the fun part – we’ve added some cool templates like Marketing Campaign, IT Issue Tracking, Tax Prep, Event Planning, and more!

While you can customize smartQ projects workflows in many ways, and even re-use the existing projects as templates for new ones, we decided to add examples of common projects templates.

But wait, there’s more! We’re cooking up even more templates to suit different businesses. Stay tuned for the good stuff! 🚀✨

smartQ app on BigCommerce

smartQ + BigCommerce integration is now available via smartQ app on BigCommerce. This allows linking a new smartQ account to a BigCommerce store in a few quick steps.

For existing smartQ accounts, contact our support for help. Soon this feature will be supported via project templates.

Link to Tickets in Notes

Now you can easily reference other tickets when posting Notes.

Merging tickets

Did you ever create duplicate tickets by mistake?

Now there is a way to merge two tickets within the same projects. It will merge the ticket properties, field values, notes and files.

A shoutout to our client Vicki H. from Fenton Rigging & Contracting (Cincinnati, Ohio) for suggesting this feature!