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Ticket customization in the Board View

We just expanded smartQ with new customization options – now you can adjust the look of your tickets in the Board View. You can switch the displayed information between ticket creator / assigned team (list or avatars) and ticket creation date / deadline. Those are personal settings and can be accessed through the “Options” menu on the top right.

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  • Nicolas Grilly January 5, 2012, 2:08 pm

    These are very useful options. Thank you for this! Here is a few related comments:

    – The ability to show the ticket deadline is extremely useful to my team! Do you think it would be possible and better to show something like “in 2 days” or “-2 days” or “in 2 weeks” instead of the raw date? The idea is to show the remaining time instead of letting the user compute this him/herself.

    – In the board view, it looks like you added a white border around each stage title. It unnecessarily attracts the eye instead of focusing on the main content and make the board a little bit cluttered. Any reason for this small change?

    – The idea of showing the avatars on each ticket (instead of the names) is excellent, but their position on the ticket creates a lot of blank space. Do you have any plan to improve this? But I recognize that is a design issue not easy to solve…

    – Any plan to integrate with gravatar? It would make the avatar even more useful!



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