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We just updated our iOS app to run smoothly on iOS11. You can download the latest version via iTunes.

General Report

We just released General Report — a new feature that will allow you to filter your tickets in many ways and generate custom reports and statistics. You can easily filter tickets by team members, tags, color, etc. and see metrics like the ticket closing time or time spent in each stage. You can even include ticket Notes into the report. As with Performance Report, there is CSV/Excel export and print view.

Check General Report now and see how it can help you get a better overview of your projects.

We just added new features to Automation:

  • new Actions: “Assign to” and “Archive ticket”
  • “Required by” rule extended with the “yesterday” option – now you can create triggers for deadlines on the next day, not the day of the deadline.
  • Action Info added — who and when created it
  • Action logs improved
  • Various improvement and fixes, including for the actions not being triggered the second time on matching the same rule again (like missing the rescheduled deadline again).

We hope it will help you improve your workflow!

Customer story: Brockit Inc.

smartQ is used by businesses and organizations all around the world.

Today we are sharing the story of a studio-based photography company from Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. Brockit have been using smartQ and 5pm since 2009 to manage their projects. [ read the whole story ]

PDF files preview

We just added PDF files preview (thumbnails) – it will make it easier to identify documents.


We just released a great new feature called Automation. Now you can add to your projects specific rules that trigger automated actions!

Check Automation now and see how it can streamline your workflow.

User Logs

User Logs

We just added a new feature – User Logs. Now you will be able to see the history of changes related to tickets and projects. You can even restore a deleted item via those logs! [ read more ]

Search through Notes

We just added the capability to search through Notes. The search is available in Ticket View, List View (to search notes across multiple tickets in a project) and Dashboard View (to search notes across multiple projects).

iPad app update

We just updated our iPad app: full board refresh was added and a bug with dragging tickets was fixed. You can download it from iTunes.

smartQ is used by businesses and organizations all around the world.

Today we are sharing the story of a real estate development and property management company from Eugene, Oregon. W&G Management have been using smartQ since 2012 to manage their service requests and remodeling projects. [ read the whole story ]