We just added the possibility to add tags to tickets when adding them via Quick Add function. Simply use the “#” symbol in front of your tags to differentiate them from the ticket name.
Administrator Logs stores the history of who did what (added a ticket, updated a project, etc.). [ read more ]
You can now paste images directly into a smartQ board to create a ticket, or into a note to add an attachment. Simply copy an image, for example from web, using right click and selecting “Copy Image”. Then you can use “CTRL + v” (Windows) or “command + v” (Mac) to paste it into a board or a note.
P.S. This feature is not supported by Safari at this point, but works in all other browsers.
Today we are celebrating our 6th anniversary!
For over six years we are helping a wide range of organizations from small local businesses to big companies around the world to manage their workload.
Recently we added the integration with 8am for contacts management and calendar tool — now you can show smartQ tickets in a calendar view. And we are working on a new big feature — Automations.
Thank you for all the support! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
We just updated our iOS app to run smoothly on iOS10. You can download the latest version via iTunes.